About our Caravan Club
We are located on the Central Coast of NSW Australia, with the majority of members residing in the Wyong/Gosford Shire area, but we have no limitations on residential address.
Preliminary discussion to establish a new caravan club on the Central Coast of NSW commenced in February 2006. In May 2006 a story was printed in the Central Coast Express Newspaper calling for members of the public to attend a meeting for the purpose of starting a new caravan club. Two (2) weeks later on the 11thJune 2006 we held our first public meeting at Toukley Senior Citizens Club. It was very pleasing to see that all of the eighty (80) people who attended the first meeting joined the club. The club grew quickly over the next twenty (20) months and we closed our books at (125) vans in February 2008.
There are two main types of clubs in NSW: one being the Rally Type Model who usually meet once a month whilst on a trip and usually have about 11 trips a year; the other being like the Tuggerah Lakes Caravanners which has adopted a Meeting Hall Model. We meet once a month at a specifc location and have numerous trips throughout the year.
By joining a caravan club you are associating with a lot of new people with a common interest. Our club has resulted in a lot of new friendships being formed. The club also provides you with the opportunity to talk to experienced van owners prior to your purchasing a caravan. Members are happy to share information on all aspects of owning and buying a caravan. Another aspect is that matters of road and vehicle safety are always being raised and discussed. The majority of people use their vans possibly a couple of times a year but when you are in a club and see the number of trips and localities your new friends are visiting then you van usage dramatically increases.
It is clear that the secret to our success has been the limited number of rules that we introduced in the formation of the club. It is also very clear that members are happy just to belong to the club, attend meetings when convienent and use their vans as they wish. The history of our club and its growth including the proactive work of our members then continues to be recorded in our Club Newsletter.